Directions for Post #2

Approximately 150 words, addressed to everybody in the group and submitted by Thursday, October 25th, at 5:30 p.m. U.S. EST.

To preserve the conversational structure of the discussion, please provide a greeting and signature with each message, naming the group or person to whom you are writing and signing each letter. 

Before you compose your second comment, read all the submissions prior to yours and any second comments already posted by members of your group. In your second comment, addressed to your entire group, refer specifically to at least two members of the group by name, attempting to cite at least two group-mates whose first submissions have not already been cited by others if possible.

You will then copy and paste in a link that you believe furthers your understanding of your group's topic. Describe, briefly, what link you are posting and why. Try Google's "News" and "Images" search functions, and TIME magazine and Rolling Stone magazine have extensive information on the topic of the U.S. and Mexico's efforts toward alleviating drug war crime. Sum up what you have learned from this project in your final comment; how has your understanding of the drug wars expanded? What did you find most interesting? Most appalling? What solution would you give to the governments of the U.S. and Mexico to help them solve the problem of the drug wars and cartel corruption?

DO NOT FORGET to save your comment into a Word document. DO NOT FORGET to sign your name at the end of your post.